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Formerly Yao Na Dance

Tri-Valley Dance Academy

Rongke Guo
Owner/Artistic Director
米娜。布拉那》 《肖斯塔科維奇》等多台現代舞專場晚會演出。
出访德国 韩国 瑞典 芬兰 美国 进行艺术交流。
Mr.Guo graduated from the Shanghai Dance Academy and was a professional dancer for the Shanghai Opera and Dance Theatre for 10 years. He has performed globally in multiple styles of dance. In 2012, he helped start the Tri-Valley Dance Academy to spread the art of dance to students here.

Na Yao
Mrs.Yao graduated from the Shanghai Dance Academy, where she trained in ballet technique. She helped start the Tri-Valley Dance Academy in 2012. She hopes to inspire the next generation through her passion and love for teaching dance.

Jeff L
Teacher-Chinese Dance,Dance Technique,
悉尼歌剧院演出 《花木兰》
台湾戏曲中心 《兰亭祭侄》
白俄罗斯明斯克演出《 花木兰》
主演演出的舞剧剧目 舞蹈诗《清明上河图》
舞剧 《射雕英雄传》 《雪山飞狐》 《兰花花》
《花木兰》 《尘埃落定》 《三国风流》 《舞韵寻缘》 《梦西游》
《彩云南现》 《兰亭祭侄》

Ming L
Teacher-Chinese Dance
中央⺠族大学舞蹈学院编导教研室副教授, 研究生导师, UCI访问学者。 中国舞蹈家协会会员,中国⺠族文化促进会会员。
1999-2003就读于北京舞蹈学院中国⺠族⺠间舞系, 本科学位。
2008-2011就读于中央⺠族大学研究生院,舞蹈编导方向,Master 硕士学位。 获 国家留学基金委公派访问学者项目赴加州尔湾大学(UCI)舞蹈系访学者一年。
二十年教学经验,主教课程有:中国⺠族⺠间舞、古典舞、现代舞、舞蹈创作 等。
Love P
Teacher-Lyrical,Jazz,Hip Hop
Miss Love started dancing at 9 years old. She started training in ballet and a few months after, she played the role of the stepmother of Cinderella for their recital amongst skilled ballerinas. That ballet class sparked the love she has for dance which also led her to pursue dance as a career being a performer and an instructor. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Sport Science, her thesis was focused on the importance of anaerobic training in power output on competitive dancers. With this she was able to create a training program targeted to build and improve dance skills and agility helping all skill levels which she uses till this day.

Ron P
Teacher-Hip Hop
Ron Pajela was born in the Philippines where he first learned how to dance. He moved to San Diego at a young age where he grew interest in playing sports and used dance as a hobby with other freestylers. He then received a basketball scholarship back in the Philippines where it led him to also rekindle his passion for dance. He joined the World renowned UP Street Dance Club which led him to joining their Senior group “The Crew”. From that point on, he decided to focus on dance and the art of teaching future dancers.He has been teaching hip hop dance for over 16 years.
David F
Teacher-Classical Ballet,Contemporary
David Fonnegra. At the age of 14, he became a
principal dancer with Ballet Nacional de Caracas and performed the leads in all the great romantic ballets including Raymonda, George Sans, Swan Lake, Giselle, Romeo & Juliet and Don Quixote. While on tour in 1995, Mr. Fonnegrajoined the Miami City Ballet with its legendary founding director, Edward Villella. During his seven years at Miami City Ballet, he danced many principal roles in their Balanchine repertoire in addition to the classics. In 2002, Mr. Fonnegra came to California dancing with State Street Ballet and Channel Island Ballet as a guest artist. In 2004 he joined Diablo Ballet, where he continues to perform and choreograph on the company. As a dancer 2004, he joined Diablo Ballet, where he continues to perform and choreograph on the company. As a dancer with Diablo Ballet, Mr. Fonnegra has been featured in The Legend of Taj Mahal, Petrushka, Who Cares?, Stars and Stripes, Once upon a Ballroom, and Jazz Fever to name a few. He continues to be a sought-after guest artist in the United States, Europe, and South America:as a performer, teacher, and choreographer. He has taught extensively in the Bay Area for almost a decade for such organizations as Lines Ballet, Contra Costa Ballet, Benicia Ballet, Ayak o Ballet School, Livermore Ballet school, Western Ballet, Diablo Ballet, and Peninsula Ballet Theatre as well as for New World School of the Arts (Miami), Ballet National De Caracas, and Houston Ballet.
Jodie C
Teacher-Dance Choreographer
Jodie started dancing in 2015 under the guidance of Mrs.Yao and Mr.Guo. She graduated from TVDA in 2024 and is currently studying metabolic biology at UC Berkeley. Her favorite style of dance is contemporary/lyrical. During her time at TVDA, Jodie received numerous solo awards and scholarships, including technical judges choice awards. She was also invited to dance as a soloist for organizations such as the Poppy Jasper International Film Festival. Jodie has also danced for celebrated choreographers Caitlin Wheeler and Marcus Shields as part of the Starbound Dance Nationals opening number. Jodie started choreographing her own group and solo dances when she was a freshman in high school. She has won choreography awards such as the “A Cut Above” award for her lyrical group piece, “Just Say”, at Spotlight National Talent Competition. Jodie was also part of her school’s varsity dance team, known as the Song Team, where she helped choreograph jazz and hip-hop dances for football and basketball games. Although her aspirations lay in the medical field, dance will forever be an integral part of her life. Jodie hopes to continue as a guest choreographer and teacher at TVDA, furthering her mission of fostering joy and community through dance, and conveying meaningful stories through the art of movement.
Alice Z
Teacher-Dance Choreographer
Alice has been part of the Tri-Valley Dance family since 2010. Graduating in 2024, she will go on to UC San Diego to study Business economics. Under the guidance of Mrs. Yao and Mr. Guo, she’s received multiple awards for her solos. Alice has been an assistant choreographer since her freshman year, helping create both group and solo dances. These dances have gone on to win awards at competitions as well. Despite going into the business industry, dance will continue to be an important aspect of her life. Alice looks forward to continuing as a guest choreographer, bringing beautiful pieces of choreography to life while building a community of love and passion for dance.

Nan Z
Hip Hop, Dance Teahnique
Nan first started learning hip hop at age 6 and since then has taken part in many different competitions. In 2014, he moved to the US to further his passion for dance and competed in the World of Dance. Additionally, he has taught hip-hop for many years.

Linda L
Office Staff
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